After passing my general exam I wanted to get my first HF receiver. Because I live in a condo with strict CC&Rs, I know I would have problems using inside. I decided that my best bet would be to buy a portable radio. I did a bunch of research and got my list down to the Yaesu FT-817, Yaesu FT-857 and Elecraft KX3. Figuring I live in a condo and couldn't do more than 50 watts, I decided on a QRP rig thinking I would mostly be listening. Although the FT-817 has good reviews, nothing came close to the reviews of the KX3. I'm a firm believe in the adage "Buy once, cry once". I ordered the KX3 with the internal ATU, roofing filters and internal battery pack. I'm still learning how to use the radio but have managed to reach all the way down to central Brazil with it SSB with only 12 watts. I'm now considering picking up the KXPA100 amp to give me power transmit power. |